Home-Start Kirklees achieves renewed Quality 4 Health and wellbeing accreditation

Home-Start Kirklees, a Huddersfield based charity that provides families with confidential long term support through a network of expert trained volunteers, is celebrating achieving a renewed Quality 4 Health and Wellbeing award.

The award is recognition that Home-Start Kirklees has achieved an exceptional standard of health and wellbeing service delivery and has in place mechanisms to continually improve service delivery. The Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing accreditation requires organisational commitment, and devoted staff time to work through the quality areas, as well as gathering evidence and implementing changes and recommendations.

The award was received by Kerri Flannagan from Home-Start Kirklees and was presented by Debbie Winder,  Deputy Director of Quality, West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board  (Kirklees and Calderdale Place).

Kerri Flanagan, Director of Home-Start Kirklees said: “We are incredibly pleased to once again receive the valued Quality 4 Health and Wellbeing Award. This award recognises the high quality support provided by our excellent team of staff and volunteers to families across Kirklees. We are proud to have achieved this award again, and we’re committed to continuing to strive for excellence”

Debbie Winder, Deputy Director of Quality, West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board said “We are delighted to present this award to Home-Start Kirklees and recognise the work and commitment required to achieve this important quality accreditation which acknowledges the high standard of support provided to families”

Home-Start Kirklees helped 230 families with 343 adults and 489 children in 2021-2022. The local charity gives compassionate bespoke help to families on a wide range of issues including bereavement, postnatal depression, isolation, coping with multiple births, domestic abuse, loneliness, financial worries or helping out with a parent or child with disabilities.


Local Authorities

We are currently working with a number of Local Authorities to support the development of the voluntary and community sector.  We are achieving this by helping to demonstrate the quality and outcomes for their services users and supporting organisations to be ready to deliver public sector contracts, such as social prescribing. We could also support Local Authorities to improve quality within your care home settings by offering a bespoke support package.

Contact us to find out more info@qualityforhealth.org.uk

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Quality For Health was developed in partnership with Calderdale CCG. We are working with a number of CCGs who are interested in quality assurance for voluntary and community organisations delivering health services, enabling them to demonstrate the difference their organisations make to services users and patients by delivering high quality services. CCGs may be interested to support their local voluntary and community sector and be more confident around commissioning and referrals through working with Quality For Health. Quality For Health can also support priorities laid out in the NHS Long Term Plan, such as social prescribing and supporting organisations delivering prevention, mental health and support for carers. 

Quality For Health can also be used as a useful tool in bringing partners together to develop Primary Care Networks.

Contact us to find out more info@qualityforhealth.org.uk