Investing in the VCSE & Quality Journey

Joint Statement from Kathryn Sullivan, CEO of Voluntary & Community (VAC) and Robin Tuddenham, CEO Calderdale Council & Chief Accountable Officer NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

The Calderdale Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector is an important, and in many instances, a critical contributor to people’s health and wellbeing.  The role and impact of Calderdale’s VCSE organisations over the past 18 months is testament to their unerring focus and commitment to improving local lives and enabling people to live a larger life.  Throughout the pandemic, regardless of lockdown status, the sector has responded with determination and resilience. From mental health support to reducing social isolation, not for profit organisations deliver high quality services to everyone who ‘comes through their door’ in the face of unusual and high-pressure challenges.  The VCSE Sector complements NHS and Public Sector delivery in a unique way; it plays an integral part in the prevention of the need for primary care, delivering early interventions to keep people well for longer and acts as an enabler in reducing the need for emergency services.

Quality is an important concept when it comes to service delivery.  It is a word that can instil trust in an organisation’s work, impact and conduct.  Developed and co-produced with the VCSE by Voluntary & Community (VAC) with the support, backing and investment from Calderdale CCG; Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing draws on the NHS Three Pillars of Quality and the CQC Lines of Enquiry to ensure the VCSE Sector can demonstrate safe and robust approaches to service delivery which are person centred providing vital support, health and care to the people of Calderdale.

Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing is not just a standard self-assessment process:  Tiered over 3 levels, it caters and is suitable for smaller groups and larger organisations.  Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing is an evidence-based approach which allows VCSE organisations opportunities for reflection and evaluation of their service delivery, highlighting the impact these services make on people’s lives as well as the role played as part of the wider Health & Care System.

As Leaders involved in the local Health & Care System developments, we are committed to ensuring we have a fully supported and enabled VCSE Sector which can add value and enhance the quality of life for people in our place.   The continued investment and importance placed upon quality and Quality 4 Health + Wellbeing demonstrates our commitment to positioning and integrating our VCSE provider and support groups/ organisation and the role they play moving forward within the Health, Care & Wellbeing landscape. 

We are delighted to showcase the investment to subsidise Calderdale VCSE sector organisations of all sizes to sign up and undertake the Quality4Health+Wellbeing Accreditation at no charge to them.  This full subsidy will be available until the end of year (31st Dec 2021).  You will be supported in your quality journey by a dedicated team and through the VSI Alliance networks and developments be routed into a range of emerging and interesting opportunities. We recognise this is particularly important for organisations looking to secure their footing for a positive future following the turbulence of Covid-19.

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Local Authorities

We are currently working with a number of Local Authorities to support the development of the voluntary and community sector.  We are achieving this by helping to demonstrate the quality and outcomes for their services users and supporting organisations to be ready to deliver public sector contracts, such as social prescribing. We could also support Local Authorities to improve quality within your care home settings by offering a bespoke support package.

Contact us to find out more

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Quality For Health was developed in partnership with Calderdale CCG. We are working with a number of CCGs who are interested in quality assurance for voluntary and community organisations delivering health services, enabling them to demonstrate the difference their organisations make to services users and patients by delivering high quality services. CCGs may be interested to support their local voluntary and community sector and be more confident around commissioning and referrals through working with Quality For Health. Quality For Health can also support priorities laid out in the NHS Long Term Plan, such as social prescribing and supporting organisations delivering prevention, mental health and support for carers. 

Quality For Health can also be used as a useful tool in bringing partners together to develop Primary Care Networks.

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